The Conscientious (R)evolution
Rev. 2024-09-17
Specializing in difficult cases.
My specialty in holistic medicine has come to be difficult cases. I never intended it to be that way, but it happened on its own. People often ask me if I work on this or that medical condition. And since I have always worked as a generalist, not specializing in any particular body system or condition, I tend to say yes. They usually tell me they've tried everything and were told that their problem is a difficult case.
In my experience, there's no such thing as a difficult case. So-called difficult cases are just misdiagnosed cases, or the diagnosis is incomplete, as with conventional medicine. Laboratory samples can be useful medical technology; all sorts of information can add to the diagnostic picture. But laboratory samples only test what they’re asked to test, and they don’t even do that well. People are often under the impression that blood tests are comprehensive tools but they’re not. In other words, a blood sample will not detect something that is not set to be tested in the panel you’re buying.
With the advent of functional medicine, laboratory testing has become more specialized and more expensive. I am certified in Functional medicine. It's a tool like another that can be useful if indicated. But the difficult cases I have seen over the years didn’t need more tests; they got plenty with conventional medicine. What they needed was a look at the bigger picture: a wider, truly holistic perspective of health.
One phrase always arises from difficult cases: “there’s no point fine-tuning the engine if you’re missing a wheel.” That means there’s always a bigger problem than the obscure substance you've been told you're missing by trendy providers. The inability to digest basic foods is a typical example. Restore proper digestion the proper way—not the conventional or functional medical way, and suddenly everything clears up.
My advanced holistic diagnosis provides a complete, broad and yet specific enough diagnostic picture to detect what was wrong in the first place before it even became a difficult (misdiagnosed) case, and this for a fraction of the cost of conventional or functional testing.
I welcome difficult cases. This is where I shine and don’t get bored. But you have to be as involved in your healing process as I am.